
I’m Kymberlee della Luce, interdisciplinary artist and educator.

As the digital landscape shifts, I’m creating this space to unfurl creatively and with the intention to form a body of work for a responsive community.

Each week, I will post a melange of my own art and writing, and share books, movies, and other curated interestingness.

Free subscribers will get my monthly newsletter about whatever strikes my fancy. Paid subscribers get the deep dive and access to new work. Everyone gets my gratitude for reading this far. Thank you!

I look forward to our ongoing connection.

All my love,


Subscribe to Kymberlee della Luce

Art + inspiration + interestingness from Kymberlee della Luce.


I'm a writer, performer, visual artist, and curator of interestingness. You can learn more at https://kymberleedellaluce.com/about