
I’m Kymberlee della Luce, interdisciplinary artist and educator. You can learn more about me here.

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  • You will receive monthly Bricolage newsletters. This is a melange of my own art and writing, books, movies, and other curated interestingness. It will be delivered to your inbox once a month when you subscribe.

  • You will be able to comment and engage on posts.

As a paid subscriber:

You will receive everything above but also:

  • Fortnightly Deep Dive Salons inviting your participation.

  • Occasional video and audio posts with my musings, poetry readings, or whatever else strikes my fancy.

  • Founding members get first access to new work.

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The great thing about a newsletter is that I can write about things that are interesting to me and my audience, not to internet algorithms. I’m interested in creating a space for cultural dialogue and an exchange of ideas.

I look forward to our ongoing connection.

All my love,


Subscribe to Kymberlee della Luce

Art + inspiration + interestingness from Kymberlee della Luce.


I'm an interdisciplinary artist, producer, educator and curator of interestingness. You can learn more at https://kymberleedellaluce.com/about